Saturday, December 28, 2013

Word Picture

by Kevin R. Carr

A man walks
 and stops

A man sees
 old shoes
 on pavement

A man strides
 early evening
 toward distant
 shadow trees

A man steps
 on grass
 gazing from
 deep places
 in thought

A man enters
 leafy shade
 staring inward
 and wonders
 what missing
 things are

A night stretches
 ever deep
 draws emotion
 from wells
 dead calm
 oil smooth
 iron cold

A man touches
 gnarled wood
 sagging branches
 humid soft
 waving heavy
 sodden weight

A man wades
 grasping weeds
 tangled feet
 slow advance
 intense quiet

A man sits
 watching weary
 halting movement
 feeling still

A man looks
 out under
 gray gloom

A man rises
 and walks


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Note to Self

by Jefferson Hansen

when a wish
can fall to dust
and a cry spindles
up into the grey

my answer
needs to be —

I am here, now

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Two Drawings

by Walter Savage


At First Glance

 Jazz was done entirely with Sharpie colored pens and At First Glance, pen and Sharpies. 


W. Jack Savage is a retired broadcaster and artist who now writes and draws full time. He is the author of six books and uses his art to design the covers of each ( Jack is a St. Paul native and graduate of Brown Institute, Mankato State University and received a Master's Degree in Telecommunications and Film at California State University Los Angeles, where he taught film studies for six years. He and his wife Kathy (from Edina) live in Monrovia, California.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

from "Espials"


by Felino Soriano

your capItalized logic
seers scented entropy
into paradigms of internal
signatures, the others’ and
their theories impose overweight
constructs immutable in
comparative concerts—the
tones—all very interpretive
interesting intimate as
the images of hands on
sounds, grasping communication
in the warming of interrogating


Felino Antonio Soriano’s work finds its foundation in created coöccurrences, predicated on his strong connection to various idioms of jazz music.  His poetry appears in varied publications with recent poetry collections including Of these voices (whitesky ebooks, 2013) Pathos|particular invocation (Fowlpox Press, 2013), Extolment in the praising exhalation of jazz (Kind of a Hurricane Press, 2013), and the collaborative volume with poet, Heller Levinson and visual artist, Linda Lynch, Hinge Trio (La Alameda Press, 2012).  He lives in California with his wife and family and is the director of supported living and independent living programs providing supports to adults with developmental disabilities. Links to his published and forthcoming poems, books, interviews, images, etc. can be found at

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Altered Scale Blog Will Cease Publication on 12/31

The Altered Scale Blog will cease publication on December 31, 2013. It has served its purpose in terms of getting off the ground. will continue as an annual. The next publication date is September, 2014. Submissions are open until the end of May, 2014.

Terrence Folz Reading From "Bunt Burke"

  Terrence Folz's chapbook  Bunt Burke will appear from The Circulatory Press in August 2021. The above film features him reading some o...