Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Two Poems by Mary Kasimor


my brain is an egg creating itself
a clone of being
a buddha of farce
               fixating on a lack of reason
this suffering of absence says nothing
the sculptor fell unleashing the brain       on amphetamine
                   fractured          between two kinds of electricity
through transparency mirroring polyester
                         and brocade       
                                                    lipstick on a pig
an enigma outwaits itself
polyester comes pre-         prepared
it will never die
passion manufacturing itself
by remote control          the brain is without
until it dissolves
(stays quiet in its facelift        )
evoking a formula
into this device I pour myself
l                 left the words in a hole
this                              strangeness of being


desire with its concave smile
i wore it all day
intimate and cruel  
the rain
drops its wet skin
in all its nakedness
the shiny flesh
is all surface
the orange marigold
touched with reason
and barely an adult


Mary Kasimor has been writing poetry for many years. Her recent poetry collections are The Landfill Dancers (BlazeVox Books 2014), Saint Pink (Moria Books 2015), and a chapbook, The Prometheus Collage (locofo chaps 2017). Her chapbook, The Nature Store, will be published this spring by Dancing Girl Press. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The maps are stricken by a strange disease

by Jefferson Hansen

We feel all gummy today.
It was not likely to happen
this way, but it did.
Something comes, but not
right. We stand on
either side of an imaginary
boundary enforced by the
nuclear threat. There is no
rhythm to a simple line.
We must heed the waiting list.
A cement truck follows
wet footprints fading on asphalt.
Our turn may come somewhere:

There is no “sort of” an end.


Jefferson Hansen edits this blog. He has a number of books out, including Cruelty and and beefheart saved craig, both from BlazeVox.

Friday, February 24, 2017

First Large-Scale Exhibition of Asemic Art in U.S.A.

March 10, 2017 – May 28, 2017
Minnesota Center for Book Arts Main Gallery
1011 S Washington Avenue, Minneapolis

Opening reception Friday, March 10, 6-9 pm

Asemic writing is a wordless semantic form that often has the appearance of abstract calligraphy; it allows writers to present visual narratives that move beyond language and rely on the viewer for context and meaning.

Asemic Writing: Offline & In the Gallery, curated by Michael Jacobson, is the first large-scale exhibition of asemic art in the United States, featuring the work of over 50 international artists who together create an eclectic assemblage of inventing, designing, and dreaming.

Saturday, March 25, 2017, 7:00 pm
1011 S Washington Ave, Minneapolis

On March 25 at 7 pm the reading Asemic Translations will feature various poets and scholars “translating” asemic texts into performative works. Presenters include John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, exhibition curator Michael Jacobson, and others to be announced, with a musical performance by Ghostband.

This event is free and open to the public, and is presented by Rain Taxi and the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. We hope to see you there!

For examples of asemic writing see The New Post-Literate Blog.

Terrence Folz Reading From "Bunt Burke"

  Terrence Folz's chapbook  Bunt Burke will appear from The Circulatory Press in August 2021. The above film features him reading some o...