This blog is associated with the web journal
The journal's uniqueness, I hope, lies in the concept of mini-galleries. I organize webpages within the journal around a group of artworks that I see as implicitly working with some aspect of music—tone, harmony, disharmony, atonality, rhythm, and so on—in ways that can be fruitfully compared, both through similarity and dissonance and clatter. I should be clear: I am not looking for artwork that deals thematically with music. I am interested in the texture of music implicit in the works.
My doing this makes me no more a shaper of the journal than any other editor. I am simply being explicit about my decisions.
However, with Altered Scale 1 there was some concern that artists did not receive their own page. I am going to address that head-on: with the permission of the artist, the same work will appear both in a gallery and as a separate, isolated page. Perusers of the journal will be free to consider the work in both settings.
Submissions are closed for issue 2. If interested, send work in November for issue 3. See above and this page.
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Friday, June 15, 2012
Terrence Folz Reading From "Bunt Burke"
Terrence Folz's chapbook Bunt Burke will appear from The Circulatory Press in August 2021. The above film features him reading some o...
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