Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where You Go Again

by Susan Lewis

taking up your clothes
that I may strip you bare.

Must we love those buzz-saws
at play amongst the leaves?


The sallow spider begs the fly
―no melody but sand & milk.

Until this hell re-freezes or
certain flowers spit like monkeys

shouting past the punctuation
like romancing harlequins or

Atlantis rising to the melting clouds―
honeying our wounds,

salting the pallid pill
while time has its way with us.


Yonder glides an honest scourge,
screaming as it soars.

To surrender all assumptions
for this gemstone & mold,

sweet cream & gold,
finger yin & that other cozy paisley

like Mandelbrot taking chaos in a cup,
tendrils rhymed with river beds.

(Silent first)

You are the sugar in my coffee.
You are my sidereal spree.

Or discover feeling is believing
‘til our agitated molecules

mingle & commingle
& selflessly disperse. 


Susan Lewis is a regular contributor to this blog, and she has been guest editing textual poetry galleries for AlteredScale. She also appears in 3. 

Susan Lewis webpage

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