Saturday, November 23, 2013

DeadBait & LiveMeat

by Dan Ryan

Desolate solitude
on the far side of something terrible.
Apparitions of poverty creep in.
Doubt creeps in.
Que es la vida – what is life?
La vida es dolorosa – life is pain (Noble Truth #1)

To make matters worse
     The dog ate my homework and the pig ate my pizza

I suffer from ortographobia
     Yet pursue inner peace through impulse purchasing

                                                             I fear all
good deeds lead to heaven which doesn’t
exist I’m worried about that Where
will I go when everything turns
black and I can’t lo       cate
my manifest destin     y
The church promi
ses a free gps pre
-programmed to
god               but
I don’t attend Do
I tempt fate Wh
at should I do
when you
e a co
rpse ac
cording to
Kobo Daishi


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