Sunday, December 30, 2012


by Susan Lewis

By numbers, atrophy,
Time's slow leak.

This idea stirring
Like another birth,

Easy to ignore.
The puzzle of plain speaking,

Pain speaking:
What an animal needs,

Mother and mate,
Maid to order (in the midst of chaos).

Another energy sapped.
The tree of life fingering

The space between
Desire and acceptance.

The standard dose of accommodation,
The standard model of infliction.

Unexplained gratitude
In the event of interruption.

An amplitude of fear.
Fur stroked, stricken.

Pitiful cruelty lashing out
In remorse.


Susan Lewis is editing a gallery of textual poetry for 3. Her poetry will also appear in another gallery, edited by Mary Kasimor.

Susan Lewis is the author of  How to be Another (Cervena Barva Press, forthcoming 2013), Commemorative Edition (White Knuckle Press, forthcoming 2013), At Times Your Lines (Argotist e-Books, 2012), Some Assembly Required (Dancing Girl Press, 2011), Commodity Fetishism, winner of the 2009 Cervena Barva Press Poetry Award, and Animal Husbandry (Finishing Line Press, 2008).  Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and published in a great number of journals, including Atlanta Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Boog City, Cimarron Review, Eclipse, Fact/Simile, Monday Night, The New Orleans Review, Phoebe, RaritanSeneca Review, Verse (online), and Verse Daily.  She is Editor of MadHat Press and Managing Editor of MadHat Annual and MadHat Lit. Her website is

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pyrrhic Victory Celebration

               by Vernon Frazer

the gestural charisma
of a vested intonation seeker 

events past choosing 
dilemma-measured template data
replacement winners

complexion warriors hang
a color-wheeling effigy montage
to mirror its best acclamation 

what festering continued
while battle surgeons failed to heal

a sneaking invitation divested 


Vernon Frazer is a regular contributor to this blog. He appears in 1 & 2. He will also appear in the next issue, coming out in the spring.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Empire Visions by Dan Ryan

On the edge of change from
the every day
the place to which I’ve been
forever rushin
on my own on the Empire Builder
headin lickitysplit toward
the fabled myth
the American west
mad gray afternoons await me
raw, dank, bone marrow wind

Woke at dawn
somewhere east of Rugby
North Dakota covered in snow
imaginin ourselves to be
45 minutes behind schedule
complicitly caught in the illusional
drag of time
when in fact occupying
the great here
ever present now

2:45 PM  west of Glasgow
still behind schedule I’m sure
Montana actin like North Dakota
large isolated farms separated by
large isolated space
ring neck pheasant crossing a frozen stream
walkin on water like Zen Master Jesus
passin through another podunk town
name unknown to me
mountains of rusting and rusted
cars, trucks, farm machinery
loitering without permit or purpose
in snow-covered yards and fields
decomposing heaps of rotting metal
disappearing molecule by molecule like
the ’85 Toyota pickup
in the tidewater at Tokeland
all machinery predisposed to
the transitory existence
we bein no different
consisting of even less durable material

4:00 PM  sun goin down on yon horizon
not completely
not yet but movin in that direction
cattle likewise movin toward home in nose-to-ass lines
of varying membership
intuitive intuition
group mindlessness
driven by darkness and hunger

6:22 PM  passin through yet another nameless village
not important enough to bother stopping at
expectin now to arrive in Havre later than expected
by two hours and twenty one minutes
the smokers are desperate and will get their fix
in dark coldness
we’ve lost the light but not the snow
feelin sleepy but nappin not a good idea tho
I’ve had a long day and train ridin on my ass
is hard work
if I were a smoker or a toker I coulda
taken some breaks but
I’m not so I didn’t it not bein worth
stepping off for merely the breath of fresh air
and exercize
into frozen clouds of exhaustive toxity

10:52 PM  pullin out of Minot…why not?
the train bein fuled up
the smokers bein satisfied for now
can’t get to there without leavin here
be it time or place
and now upon happenstance bein
the very time and place for
some sleep action
I agree with myself that it’s time for
my sleepytime wine

under a full moon the train
like a multi-segmented caterpillar
creeps westward
where I’ll re-live in some ways what once was
the me of then havin no relationship to
the me of now


Dan Ryan is a regular contributor to this blog. He will appear in issue 3, out in March.

After spending an extensive number of years attempting to save the world from itself while living in Olympia, Washington, I follwed my sweetie to Minnie's Apple Crisp in July, 2012.  Determined to approach life from a more obtuse angle, I am now a thoroughly committed Zen slacker, practicing guilt-free attachment to hanging out in coffee shops, reading all the wrong books, writing poetry, and enjoying other sensual pleasures with my partner. Dan Ryan will appear in 3, out in March. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

spelunking gets ya there

by Jefferson Hansen

spelunking gets ya there
through metaphor
of ceiling &
walls gone
            no place
form of some sort
what we find ourselves in
                        the edge
                          the end of
                         rock hard
more like balloons
pushing & pulling
in &
                            but plastic
                    suffocates &
form we slip
wall up the side
thinking it all
merely our thing
until something goes
awry or
someone calls
                 this poem stopped
                   it used

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tom Cassidy — Untitled

(Click to enlarge and focus.)


Tom Cassidy's written and drawn works have appeared in hundreds of smallpress and mainstream publications, and in galleries and museums around the world. His works are archived in dozens of art institutions, often under his own name. With John Bennett and Scott Helmes, he co-edited Vispoeology (2007), an international anthology of visual literature for the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, where he also co-curatedNone of the Above in 2009. In 1976, Tom co-founded the Portland performance poetry troupe The Impossibilists, who were reunited in April, 2008 for a series of shows by the Oregon Heritage Commission. He is currently a board member, performer, and curator for Cheap Theatre and Patrick’s Cabaret.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Eleanor Bennett — John 19

(Click to sharpen, enlarge, and isolate.)


Eleanor Leonne Bennett is a 16 year old internationally award winning photographer and artist who has won first places with National Geographic,The World Photography Organisation, Nature's Best Photography, Papworth Trust, Mencap, The Woodland trust and Postal Heritage. Her photography has  been published in the Telegraph , The Guardian, BBC News Website and on the cover of books and magazines in the United states and Canada. Her art is globally exhibited , having shown work in London, Paris, Indonesia, Los Angeles,Florida, Washington, Scotland,Wales, Ireland,Canada,Spain,Germany, Japan, Australia and The Environmental Photographer of the year Exhibition (2011) amongst many other locations. She was also the only person from the UK to have her work displayed in the National Geographic and Airbus run See The Bigger Picture global exhibition tour with the United Nations International Year Of Biodiversity 2010.

Eleanor Leonne Bennett will appear in issue 3, out in March.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chris Bates' Red 5—NEW HOPE (jazz cd)

by Jefferson Hansen

The Twin Cities' jazz scene is dynamic, to say the least. One of the unsung heroes for years has been bassist Chris Bates. This, his first album as a leader, is on fire. Most exciting, to me, is the polyrhythms that pulse and thrum and bounce through most, but not all tunes. Bates and his brother, JT, lay down complex New Orleans-style grooves that make me want to dance, but the music is so complex I don't want to lose anything in the process. What a pleasant quandary! After a listing of the personnel and link to where you can buy the album, are three poems I wrote in response to my three favorite songs.

              Chris Bates—el. & ac. b
              JT Bates—d
              Chris Thomson—ts & ss
              Zack Lozier—tr. & fl.
              Brandon Wozniak—as & ts

               New Hope on Amazon

               Interview with Chris Bates

Dark Matters

elongating bodily into dragging hearts
of gravity
where the pull goes everywhere away
and to the center
ridiculous answers swirl their insufficient
way about the tearing
and trying of
sinew and muscle
and flesh
as the body rips asunder into space
riddled only with cavities

The Jape

smack dap in the middle
we go separate together
and you slide across the dance
floor in your skirt
then suddenly transform
all zig-zaggy
so that arms become
legs legs arms
and your head an ass
you dance jagged and
a cubist mess up
in real time
as I find myself pulled
into the air
and wearing a kilt
swirling as a dervish
the kilt going above
and high exposing me
to you and all
and your ass become
head laughs at my

(a bass goes walking

I find myself
back to you wearing pants
and you in your skirt
and we swing holding
tight because right now
we have been reminded
we are all we have


off-beat answer
could come

& wait the watch
the unison
click &
the tapping out a
& posture

will we lift
       bumped awry & gone up
boom the bam
     and stammer up
the over

because lift is
lever & lost
is never & pissed
the pocket of

the side is next to

wallow in waxing


Chris and I are working on a gallery to celebrate this album that will appear in issue 3, out in March. It should come together just great.

Friday, December 21, 2012

in the end of the end is

by Jefferson Hansen

in the end of the end is
hardly a new beginning
because neural pathways
get solidfied as surely
as cement in the pushing
and pulling of Circadian time

in the end of the end is
waiting for something else
to happen & waiting is a new
thing in itself for someone
used to simply working hard
to get what needs doing done

in the end of the end is
a twiddling and twittering
a radical delay where time puddles
and pools in front behind
beside forming moats
about you and there seems little point

in the end of the end is
hushes and murmers about how
there is only one direction things
can possibly go that whatever doesn’t
kill you makes you stronger that
life never gives you more than

in the end of the end is
a frustration a silence a clicking
dull and relentless at the back
of any room you happen to move
to—inconsistent but relentless telling
you this is it but not it

in the end of the end is

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tom Cassidy & John M. Bennett—2 from "Itchy"


Tom Cassidy's written and drawn works have appeared in hundreds of smallpress and mainstream publications, and in galleries and museums around the world. His works are archived in dozens of art institutions, often under his own name. With John Bennett and Scott Helmes, he co-edited Vispoeology (2007), an international anthology of visual literature for the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, where he also co-curatedNone of the Above in 2009. In 1976, Tom co-founded the Portland performance poetry troupe The Impossibilists, who were reunited in April, 2008 for a series of shows by the Oregon Heritage Commission. He is currently a board member, performer, and curator for Cheap Theatre and Patrick’s Cabaret.

John M. Bennett has published over 400 books and chapbooks of poetry and other materials. Among the most recent are rOlling COMBers (Potes & Poets Press), MAILER LEAVES HAM (Pantograph Press), LOOSE WATCH (Invisible Press), CHAC PROSTIBULARIO (with Ivan Arguelles; Pavement Saw Press), HISTORIETAS ALFABETICAS (Luna Bisonte Prods), among many more.

John M. Bennett appears in 2 and will appear in 3.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Todd Clouser — One of Top 100 Musicians "On the Verge"

(Click to enlarge, focus, and isolate.)


Todd Clouser is a regular contributor to this blog and will appear in issue 3, out in March.

Todd Clouser Webpage

Monday, December 17, 2012

Eleanor Bennett — John 18

(Click to sharpen, enlarge, and isolate.)


Eleanor Leonne Bennett is a 16 year old internationally award winning photographer and artist who has won first places with National Geographic,The World Photography Organisation, Nature's Best Photography, Papworth Trust, Mencap, The Woodland trust and Postal Heritage. Her photography has  been published in the Telegraph , The Guardian, BBC News Website and on the cover of books and magazines in the United states and Canada. Her art is globally exhibited , having shown work in London, Paris, Indonesia, Los Angeles,Florida, Washington, Scotland,Wales, Ireland,Canada,Spain,Germany, Japan, Australia and The Environmental Photographer of the year Exhibition (2011) amongst many other locations. She was also the only person from the UK to have her work displayed in the National Geographic and Airbus run See The Bigger Picture global exhibition tour with the United Nations International Year Of Biodiversity 2010.

Eleanor Leonne Bennett will appear in issue 3, out in March.

Terrence Folz Reading From "Bunt Burke"

  Terrence Folz's chapbook  Bunt Burke will appear from The Circulatory Press in August 2021. The above film features him reading some o...