ruined hilltop castle bleached out abstraction i've had a
gestures towards neutral minimalist intervention in small space
reader as accomplice so between vertical being horizontal land-
scape paint up get ready for the new season the grace to live
variously black trees white turret
themes themes themes
not mere cogs in the meadow. luminous
city between rapid
translation & retrospect you made me fluctuate i was walking
down the street the other day to disrupt future occults i was
walking down the street the other day a man came up to me i
was under cyber attack if the
punchline was a rack of gold black
pink what other objects & text might have stuck? slow camera
spread radiant subject that's what it's all about deep valley drive
easy oil planned variant for bravo bull's eye dazzling all over pattern
courtesy of competition's discipline a swing of lord's meat
summer open spaces annual sovereign dust run but fragile start
from bright empty tentative past neutral segment smooth through
dark cryptic via hailed significance please come quick am alone
never ending nerve work strong
potential ghost candidate early
with your doppelganger she throws
queen of hearts i drop the nine of
Billy Cancel is a regular contributor to this blog. He appears in 2 and will appear in 3.