Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thank You, Charles Olson

by Mark Fleury

Like a kite, or an apple,

We tried to be separate from each other,
To have our own bodies and breaths.

But your sun dawned in our shared heart.
Just as the shadow of the sun's orb is always here,
The inside of my poem-shaped mask is held against 
My face with enough glowing glue to include everyone.
My real face is the syllable's inner light
Before it manifests as speech: tender, sentient body, protected. 

It's when the top leaf of a tree is the last to fall,

And its blood is the ink in a typewriter. The paper,
A child of another tree, changes from an autumn sunset

To how this planet Earth is the shadow 

That can only leave language from inside it. 


Mark Fleury lives in St. Paul Minnesota. He has recently had poems published in Altered Scale, Clockwise Cat, Counterexample Poetics, Medulla Review, ditch, UFO Gigolo and The Original Van Gogh's Ear Anthology. Mark is also the author of one chapbook and three full-length poetry books, published through Scars Publications and Design. Mark also has poems forthcoming in Versus Literary Journal. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

digital milk

by Billy Cancel

     drip moon     nerve shred     all playing 
tonight at    blue amnestry fresh from live square     get a 
move     another disposable mop sucker at hard 
edge     don't come shoreside     past johnny on the spot 
with reference archive mostly in passive     whiz kid's 
stopover in grind cluster neither convincing effective     
slabbed slipped some time 
ago     cosmic mind blast coach f quiet zone can't stay 
goofy 'bout it     wednesdays at dart 'n' drip slide 
to unlock cripple     cuddlesome obnoxious
bug walk hyperbolica knoTear declaration     never missed trick to insert gag
intuitive turmoil disguised trash     red penny man rouge lantern 
compiled st.stainer's day entry     unflinching hard news more 
no running water     city dust mite contained 
temporary lights lick 'n' promise     crustal fold am wool 
gathering at 
not white
cube space neutrality's
snivelling corner through bright green drab pink pipe dream 
light blue kite over green hill you hurt her


Billy is a regular contributor to the blog. His work can also be seen in issues 2 and 3.

See his webpage.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

direction for two

by Mary Kasimor

woe man more than
there. she is                                          
                                            here in brain
bling and scanned                 computer. imbroglio
in the stink of your terrible truth
desperate.                   directions to wilderness
               refundable instrument of destruction       
                          so we saved
          the coupon.                            good for two.
the skin scanned                               for pathogens
             stand in lines.
the featured faces reflect for                         gaps in
direction to shape. results
               in brain bling
                                  explosions pour out of star face.
a new breed                                      @no
                 where to go.                    to follow your youtube                
in knit purl start.
                         baby’s breath in tune. plagiarizing
my fingerprint                         dna    @word. text
                        where is waldo                     left
out. in the rain                                       to the left
             in the gap.                                     teeth in fields of
              @development and monsanto
moon site dreams      
at sea 
                              charges up. the workers
a tribal hugging                 the woe man
               the anemic wheat
                       glutinous and new
in sparkly. development
in scientific journal                   with pictographs
and presentations
                    two dimensional
                                     power point              sweat. free
a potato salad hamburger picnic                        in virtual landscape.
                 a failed heart               people                virtually scanned
starting another way                                          underground
oh surface.
                please help us find a job to do.                to do this from
my kitchen                                   delicious and pre-measured
and pre-tensile
                         devoted to market. obedience
to the howling dimension
bubbles genetically proven
fast. profits
                            percolates to follow
the arrows. drive                       fast on the freeway
staring at the sun
common condition.                          @let it load you


Mary Kasimor is a widely published poet, a regular contributor to this blog, and a frequent contributor to

Monday, October 21, 2013

George Farrah at Issue 4 Launch Reading issue 4 reading Sept. 21, Boneshaker Books, Minneapolis


George J. Farrah is a regular contributor.

Upcoming Readings in the AlteredScale Series:

              with George J. Farrah, Elisabeth Workman, Leigh Herrick, Ann Tweedy

Nov 12: Marc Vincenz at Boneshaker Books in Minneapolis at 7 pm
               with Joe Green & Terrence Folz

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Interrogatory

by Marc Vincenz

Failure to meet tight deadlines—

a nagging, or perhaps an itch to fight back

against the morass, your tender

gardening pleasures, the Zen

of green thumb, the nurturing of integers,

where a plus didn’t mean more than this

and a negative was just another tax haven

until—as had frequently been divined,

cross-legged in rapt meditation, staring

into the Mists of Lake Hangzhou

a hesitation arrived, something

did not multiply. Lucky for you

the world was no solid ball, but a spongy

mass that gave way and bounced back.


Marc Vincenz is a regular contributor to this blog. He appeared in issue 2, and he edits MadHat.

See his entry at Poets & Writers.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

oh, the grey haze

by Jefferson Hansen

             the plans went awry
when facing the grey
     haze of duty
         I have a job
   but I must pro
                      crastinate, must
             because writing calls me
away from grey
      to tourquoise
         to the play of vermilion
   the dance of words
       arising from the click
          of fingertips
  makes me happy
& that's the way I want to be
so, in honor of that feeling I say
     oromoropoly & thorumphree
  oh, yes, I say
           umphrodim & tredolup
      as carnelian waxes
  toward slate
slips into sienna
     arises in cyan
my fingertips entertain me
          the pulse & pull
     the shift & shimmy
         of purple
    mauve to maroon
  minkelup to
     wikstrom without
down the drastic
     & line lazing
  a way across
       the page
            this, now, is the life
   I guess

    thanks for listening
fun's over
      &, now
                     to work

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

unintended feeling

by Jefferson Hansen

We played basketball in the driveway of the
group home in a southern suburb of Minneapolis
—three developmentally disabled men and I.
They were all in their 40’s. They laughed
and giggled when one of them made a basket.
They sometimes pretended to buzz off each
others’ hair where their bald spots were.
I was a little annoyed to be at work,
but that doesn’t mean I didn’t love them.
A man slouched in a lawn chair on a driveway
across the street. He had a large gut, like me,
and he was drinking a beer—I could tell because
you sip at a beer with a more pecking motion than
you do with a pop, for instance. I, too, like beer.

sky opens sad                         english on bas
this day                                   ket
the trick                                  ball l
the try                                               i
the whelm of over                                k
in the trivial                                             e
trick                                        normandy

His garage door was open behind him, revealing some
thing clearly immaculate. Everything hanging in place,
nothing jammed between one of his trucks and
the wall, both trucks gleaming, rakes and tools
hooked on the walls, floor cleanly swept. Outside, a
glistening Harley. Gothic heavy metal poured and spread
from unseen speakers. It was big and snarly, like a
Harley. His entire yard was cleanly mowed. You could
still clearly see the straight line left by
the wheel of the mower. Absolutely straight. 

            i say, “this                               ball goes
            is how u                                  flat a
            play ‘h-o-r-s-e’                        gainst
            & i hear giggles                       the call the crack
            ripple &                                   the wacky      
            ride the autumn                      wir
            air clear like                                    i
            crisp we                                       n
            r not a                                        g
            lone                                         of this brain or

Just last week, I felt nostalgia for this kind of set
up when visiting a friend in a northern suburb.
I may, at some time, enjoy talking to the man across
the wide street about the latest Slayer concert he
attended, or the joys of motorcycle riding, or how best to
landscape (oh, his shrubs were perfect.) But not now.

(from beneath the soles of my feet to the blistering azure
of the sky i perceived that moment that day in the quiet
breeze the rustling of the leaves in that weird tree that
always dropped sap on my windshield in the guys saying,
“watch me make this, man, I’m a cool guy” in voices only
those used to them could understand against all I believe in

I hated
that man
across the street
as much as I
took joy
in my friends

pretending to buzz each other’s hair

Saturday, October 12, 2013

affirmative lived resistance against towering commerce

by Billy Cancel

amongst insincere little glows

     communal feed loop transmitted  
image back over itself lines drawn 
against hellish margin someone on roster didn't insert dip    
     amplified signage     tourists     explosion jigsaw done 
bright white no pulse     disconcerting configuration
so took path to riotous     
color maintained 
appropriate playlist    not belting out assignment but
killing time     speculating piss-warmer's back story 
     kind of sentimental vertigo     ingratiating time pattern
     re-enforced fat clicker bad dream     channel full of 
wreck     night off not superceding each other but 
each on drip slipping off pile     don't match the 
grin of a man enjoying unfolding scene     activate
sensor     got my lights trimmed at chamber 
recital now floaters are back     found you 
rollicking courageous left you down 
looking selfish amongst unpassed rocks struggling to make n's meat


Billy is a regular contributor to the blog. His work can also be seen in issues 2 and 3.

See his webpage.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

baldly is scary

by Jefferson Hansen

      our necks trained
         into spasms
       beside rivers
  draining not into but
            next to
                  polluted ocean
    in a parallel
               zone not
of our making
   but of our
this will end
                     my child, no worries, no
& then we will
      miss it terribly
                          memory stopped being
reality stopped being
       a dream last week
                and is now
             its barren
                 just is
                      not meaning
          like you & me
my child
    so bare to each other
seeing so baldly is scary


Jefferson Hansen runs this blog and is the editor of Jazz Forms, a selection of his jazz-influenced poems, appeared from Blue Lion in 2009.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bullet Flag VIII

by Neill Ellman

(after the recovered bullet
assemblage by Dave Cole)

A thousand bullets
Make a flag
.22 caliber rimfire
a nation’s emblem
drawn in lead
and blood
unfurled and spent
in war and peace—
a thousand rounds
make a nation beautiful
repeat its name
in anthems for the dead.


Twice nominated for Best of the Net, as well as for the Rhysling Award from the Science Fiction Poetry Association, Neil Ellman writes from New Jersey.  Almost 800 of his poems, many of which are ekphrastic and written in response to works of modern and contemporary art, appear in print and  online journals, anthologies and chapbooks throughout the world.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Terry Folz & Ann Tweedy Issue 4 Launch Reading

The Issue 4 Launch Reading took place at Boneshaker  Books on September 21. Terry and Ann were two of the readers. Films of other readings appeared on this blog this week.

Terry Folz

Ann Tweedy


Terrence Folz is an experimental poet whose influences include poets of the Beat era such as Charles Bukowski and Delmore Schwartz, but also the dadaists/surrealists and French symbolist poets such as Baudelaire. He’s read at various poetry mics in the twin cities since moving here in 1990. A few of these include readings at Kieran’s Irish Pub, Speedboat Gallery, The Artists Quarter,The Beat Cafe, Tillie’s Bean, Dusty’s Bar, The Nicollet, and the Coffee Gallery. For a year Terrence hosted a monthly open mic at the Coffee Gallery. Mr. Folz is also a member of Vonnegut’s Bureau, a spoken word band, along with musicians Rush Merchant and Richard Griffith. Watch for them at a coffeehouse or bar near you.

Ann Tweedy loves traveling, especially the strangeness of being an outsider in a tiny town and the disorientation of exploring foreign countries. She’s shy but relishes the rush of doing the things that scare her. While in law school, she studied poetry writing with Robert Hass. She currently teaches law at Hamline University in St. Paul. Her poetry has been widely published in journals and anthologies, including Rattle, Clackamas Literary Review, and Wisconsin Review, and she has been nominated for both a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net Award. She also has read in New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, Minneapolis, and elsewhere. tcCreativePress of Los Angeles published her first chapbook, Beleaguered Oases, in 2010, and her second chapbook, White Out, was just published by Green Fuse Press.

Terrence Folz Reading From "Bunt Burke"

  Terrence Folz's chapbook  Bunt Burke will appear from The Circulatory Press in August 2021. The above film features him reading some o...