Friday, June 11, 2021

Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim 2

 Cousin Anselm

So, Cousin Anselm, if a person is as stern as a block of granite, is that person, be a parson, and that block of granite be of a substance not of a person or parson, then that person if a substance as an eternal species but surely the block of granite can exist independent of a person or parson but that parson or person exists as a stern species, but if the granite be constitutive of such a person or parson, is that parson a species stern of granite. Is there a hole torn in the granite fabric, is there a stone veil on the face of the lady, who is a naval officer, who is a daft stern aft as a block of parsimony in the species.

So what if grain granite is a rubber substance or budding building word-thing, and what if that butt-building thing is a nosy parson, then clearly that rosy person is a gilded bilded building thing, but surely Granny Granite can exist as another mother lover brother other or secondary building bodything, for example, a spirit spear sphere or somewhat of a conical obelisk which need not be a person or a comical parson. Therefore a basilisk obelisk basilica is always a basalt parson but nevertheless a parson is never always or never already an obelisk, or is an odalisque obelist kalways of fantail granite.

It is said that Amimelech were a stone-like substance that required prayer at the requisite time of an eclipse. Can you imagine, Anselm said, that the hardness of the Jews precluded the most basic knowledge of minerology, of the stone-flame that burns with the hardness of a ruby?

For example, an obelisk may well be a parson if you have looked around you lately. And if such a parson, such a Cousin Anselm, might not obelisk not preach? Surely not preach, since Cousin Anselm is a hollow parson, and an obelisk may be a berry gander human or a very gendered parson, however a cousin of a column, nonetheless a hilarious conical substance. Might a peach substance always be an amusing amazing human cranberry?

So an humanoid obelisk may be a hominin parson and a hominid parson may be a proto-human but a para-human may be less than an ornery obelisk, indeed not an sloe-eyed obelisk at all. Because an obelisk may be more than a conical substance. For a proper pomegranate exemplum, an obelism:                                                                                                                      

may be a plum substance or an improper torn hole substance                                               

may be a human and a parson may be a human or a Neander-bottom

may be a plum or the motion of the plum:

Is this not that which y called thee Comicalle?


>> A sphere may be a parson or a substance of granite. Or another substance. Or a substance (created from/of) of Cousin Anselm, the great story of my Cousin Anselm, my Grandpa Ansell, my Great-Grandpa Antselyovich, and the amazing granite bottle manufactory which employed human parsons of a certain persuasion. 

Clearly this is uncogent. If you’ve looked round-about you recently.

Clearly this has never been cogent. But neither has your mother.     

Substance-hood, substance-ness, substance-icity, substance-eitas

In other words: What is to be done?


Or as Anselm states:

grammaticus probetur esse substantia 

sufficit quia

omnis grammaticus homo, et

omnis homo substantis. 


What is the cogenicity that I may resist it? (if or if not it is stern)?


Did you really mean to leave two spaces there? In the granite veil hole of torn thorn ipseity?


What is a space but a moment of ploughing before the Sabbath grain lies fallow, Rev Boker said, and what is such a continuum of such a space (qua Maimonides) but the constitution of a folly, as it is said in his Testimonial: Look towards the beach and its craft of sand and symbol, wave and ideographic warp burned into the wood like granite, the Eternal Wishes of the Eternal. An obelisk explains, an Arche proclaims, motherfathermother fathermothermother Yabyum of yoniyoni: Avram Harde as Granite, so it were wrought and written:


Bee this thine Space of Menachem Weiss! Lineage on mine Mother's Side: Ymah! Ymah!


Betime this space of Cousin Ampule! Linen shredded into graphism! I write the halfshell waves, coursing down thy strawberry tresses. I ride the impervious chasms of granite, I quarry the personhood of the query, I queer the pepsi parsonage. I course the curse, stern and aft, command the veined ore coursing through the quarry. I curse the inquiry. I befoul the entire enterprise of thinking.

Hello. just a momentum = {}Now that that's unsedimentaried I continuum, Shabatcimelicimoli, for what is what clay but a seven-day treasure. Consider Graphgraps, the Written Crabbe, goniocamylolynhyalus, bent-angled glass, or as Cousin Anselm states:

If a parson of a particular species exists as a seven-day wonder, and starts a stare unto themself into a particular looking glass of bent angles and sees naught more than a zircotrom or golden tremor, than:

{} does that golden termor treasure inhere within the bent angles of the opticokaleidoscopic or does it in factotum inhabit the bent  and angled glass to the extent only that

Such an inhabitation of the treasure is a welcoming of the soul of the reflection of our Blessed Cousin and Saint Anselm?


On a scale of Momentum alone,  I assume (with the delicate mastication of a blush), that I can only add, on the scale of a Parparadis, the pleasure ground of a titmouse, that:

Within any shadow there is a shadow.

Within every shadow there is a shadow. 

>>> THAT LINEN IN FACTOTUM abjures the recompense of the looking glass;

and THAT LINEN IN campocampa or the common caterpillar IN FACTOTUM 

is quite pleased with itself and the reflection to Others.



Alan and Maria's latest book is Stretched Warp(Click for link.)

Alan Sondheim is a new media artist, musician, writer, and performer concerned with issues of virtuality, and the stake that the real world has in the virtual. His writing is known for its "somatic grit" and skeletal codes that partially appear within and determine the surface; the textual body and body of text are deeply entangled. He has been producing his "Internet Text," a daily meditation on virtuality, for twenty-seven years. His work can be found at and YouTube at He's collaborated 
with Maria Damon for a whole number of years!

Maria Damon teaches Writing and Humanities and Media Studies at Pratt Institute of Art. She is the author of several books of poetry scholarship and co-author (with mIEKAL aND, Alan Sondheim, Adeena Karasick, and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen) of several books of poetry, and author of two chapbooks of cross-stitch visual poetry, XXX and meshwards. She has published widely on topics in modern and contemporary American poetry and poetics.

Maria has been on the blog many times. Type her name in the search box to find all the goodies!

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