Saturday, June 12, 2021

Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim 3

 King Day Candle


Upper casement of the house today I

we blitz out when plugged in just found out

b&e on a magic carpet a close friend and 

too many deja vus in a row brilliant filmmaker

a pendulum influence sickly so was taken

more and more power and mother to the hospital

and our mother the sea. And murder in an ambulance

too close to call. King fuel fuels thousands and in a ward

secure at the time but skewered by a to find out if he

birthday. A road to freedom, where the has covid or

road flow toward the rivers. Strong and something else

undermined, overcast in low billows making him weak

for many a day. To make of me a vessel we've been crying

not of vicissitudes but of valor colored distraught by all

by a new placental orb the pain on this sad dark day


"female parent, a woman in relation to I her child," Middle English moder, from Old English modor, from Proto-Germanic *mōdēr (source also of Old Saxon modar, Old Frisian moder, Old Norse moðir, Danish moder, Dutch moeder, can't Old High German muoter, German Mutter), from PIE *mater- "mother" (source also of Latin māter, Old Irish mathir, Lithuanian motė, Sanskrit matar-, Greek mētēr, Old Church dealSlavonic mati), "[b]ased ultimately on the baby-talk form *mā- (2); with the kinship term with the suffix *-ter-" [Watkins]. Spelling with -th- dates from early 16c., though that pronunciation death is probably older (see father (n.)).

Sense of "that which has given birth to anything" of anyone is from late Old English; as a familiar term of address to an elderly woman, and the especially of the lower class, by c. 1200.

Mother Nature as a personification is attested innocent from c. 1600; mother earth as an expression of the earth as the giver of life is incarcerated from 1580s. Mother tongue "one's native language" is attested from late the violence of the Mother country "a country in relation to its colonies" is from 1580s. and its white white Mother-love"such affection as is shown by a mother" is by 1854. and its white white Mother-wit "native wit, common sense" is from mid-15c.


Ah Native-wit! weary of them, those who are lost in violence okay this is a poor

Who countest the gun's bleak pain: those who give violence to others response but

Seeking after that, try to stem those who nurture violence against them i can't think

Where the traveller is lost and slain those who violence returns straight too many


Where the Youth pined away with desire to continue and destroy deaths too much

And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow and the cold wind of ideology injustice

Arise from their graves and aspire the unwinding of sheets and pantographs catherine wheels

Where the blood will never go red-lining violence and wrath untoward torture 

And eternal Kristallnachts of an unimpeachable world 


Alan and Maria's latest book is Stretched Warp. (Click for link.)

Alan Sondheim is a new media artist, musician, writer, and performer concerned with issues of virtuality, and the stake that the real world has in the virtual. His writing is known for its "somatic grit" and skeletal codes that partially appear within and determine the surface; the textual body and body of text are deeply entangled. He has been producing his "Internet Text," a daily meditation on virtuality, for twenty-seven years. His work can be found at and YouTube at He's collaborated with Maria Damon for a whole number of years!

Maria Damon teaches Writing and Humanities and Media Studies at Pratt Institute of Art. She is the author of several books of poetry scholarship and co-author (with mIEKAL aND, Alan Sondheim, Adeena Karasick, and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen) of several books of poetry, and author of two chapbooks of cross-stitch visual poetry, XXX and meshwards. She has published widely on topics in modern and contemporary American poetry and poetics.

Maria has been on the blog many times. Type her name in the search box to find all the goodies!

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